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"It seems that the Greenie utopia is being exposed both in the science department, as well as in the German state elections, where their votes don’t add up to enough for them to be represented in the legislature!"

Ahh...But the votes don't need to add up and nor does it matter whether or not the fraud is exposed...Some jail time and detentions at airports will hopefully clear up that little "problem." Like they do with everything else: just brute force it. Free Speech? That's just "naive bourgeois stuff from yesteryear. Europe is so much smarter now that they realized that fascism is the answer after all." "Democracy?" That's just rhetoric for the plebs to get behind their Ukraine project...but everyone in the know in Brussels knows that Democracy is a sham and that Authoritarianism is where it's at. Environmental impact studies that prove that windmills have a detrimental impact on phytoplankton? No problem! We'll just get Bill Gates and Snopes and Politico to "fact check" their articles, get them banned from Arxiv and PhysOrg,. Then, when they go up on Youtube to talk about it, we'll just label them "misinformation and disinformation and violent criminal activity that violates Community Guidelines," get their Youtube and Meta channels pulled, get the Justice Department to raid their homes for "Russian-affiliated activity," detain them at airports, seize their passports, and then sentence them to jail for "Climate Denial." Problem solved.

Brute force. Works like a charm.

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