Early this morning, while sitting and drinking my coffee with my feathered friends, we began a discussion of the present-day political stories. Since the birds are busily engaged with feeding their new-born chicks, they asked if I would regurgitate some of my wandering thoughts on the upcoming election.
I told the birdies that I thought that the North Atlanteans, although evil perhaps, but certainly not stupid, would by now have recognized the impossibility of stopping the election win of Mr. Trump, and would have resigned themselves to trying to figure out how to control his administration somehow – like they tried to do last time with their neo-cons, and when they finally had to resort to their concocted covid scare story, to derail any more of his plans.
Maybe this time, I thought, they might try to entrap him into a war with China. Or maybe they might concoct a bird flu scare story, but I just don’t think that one will fly. [I saw my feathered friends cringe at that pun!]
And, I continued, having realized that the Democratic Party would lose this upcoming presidential election, they would probably wish to have Mr. Biden remain in the race, in order for him to take the blame for the impending loss, and so they are probably building the narrative that it is the senility and old age of Mr. Biden that will be the explained reason for his massive loss, and not because Americans have rejected the North Atlantean’s disastrous forever wars and economic decay as the real reason for his loss – regardless of whether they agree with Mr. Trump or not.
‘But, what about Kamala?’, chirped one of the birdies.
Well … perhaps having Kamala substitute for Mr. Biden would still result in a loss, (after which, I don’t think anyone will notice that she’s no longer there) but a Kamala loss would tend to lessen some of the spin of the senility and old age narrative.
Plus having Mr. Biden take the blame, will also protect the future careers of some of their WEF young turks and Rhodes Scholars, that the North Atlanteans have spent so much time and so much money in grooming for their future nefarious schemes – schemes that they’ll try to feed to us, the same way that the birds feed their young!
Then another birdie chirped in – ‘But the regurgitation will not be televised.’