I hope that everyone has recovered from that obsolete ritual of changing our clocks. Or were we supposed to clean our clocks. I can’t remember - maybe I’m getting that ‘Old-Timers-Disease’.
Anyway, occasionally, I may have a guest commentator write about some interesting idea for The Blip Report. And so, today we’ll have a special guest report, from our resident sleuth and prognosticator, William Lyon Shoestrap.
Why do we use the ‘Julian’ Calendar? (i.e. Julian as in Julius Caesar)
Well, it actually goes back to the Roman Empire and to their lunar calendar. Their months were named after some Roman gods and some Roman numerals, and all the months had different lengths, too. Weird!
And apparently it was only 10 months long and so it just didn’t count the two months of winter. Weird!
Now, before the Roman Empire, the year began on the spring equinox, but then, all of a sudden, the Dictator Julius Caesar decreed that January 1st would henceforth be the first day of the year. Again, weird!
Isn’t it about time that we freed our calendar from the vestiges and mandates of the Roman Empire?
Maybe we could go back to the Egyptian calendar, that had 12 months of thirty days each. That would be easy to follow. And at the end of the year, the Egyptian astronomers just added 5 or 6 days to bring it up to date. Ok, that’s like a little 13th month or something (you know, like a baker’s dozen). And those 5 or 6 days should be a week of holiday for us working stiffs. (And retired working stiffs too.)
But what about the names of the month, you might ask? I’m not too keen on Roman gods. So, I have been snooping around, and I think that we either use the Egyptian names OR we could use a version of the Chinese calendar where the year is divided into 24 parts. It would also be preferable to use these terms instead of the current horoscopes that rely on some star alignments as seen in Mesopotamia thousands of years ago. They’re kinda out-of-date, maybe? Anyway, check it out.
So, March 6th 2023 was Jing Zhe, ‘The Waking of Insects’ - where ‘hibernating animals come to sense’.
OK, so now, after we get rid of the new world order lunatics, we can change to an Egyptian / Chinese solar calendar!
But first we have to get rid of the clock changes to daylight saving time. And then we’ll do this calendar change.
So, forget about the Julian calendar, and … by my calculations, according to the Shoestrapper calendar – today is Sunday, the 7th day of Jing Zhe (the waking of the insects).
Here is a nice little video I found about Jing Zhe.
And remember, wake the insects, don’t eat them! and …