from Global Research
Global Research today posted Matt’s article “Victory Day: ‘World War II Never Ended’. Historical Analysis”. Nice.
(and for my Swiss readers) Global Research also had a story on the Swiss tank story about selling them to Germany.
from Dances with Bears
A great article by John Helmer on NATO and its plans for Russia. He writes that
“the oligarchs survive but, according to the terms of the US and NATO sanctions war, they cannot have their assets and freedom of movement back unless they overthrow Putin, change the regime in the Kremlin, and destroy the capability of the Russian military to defend the country.”
Wow, what an insight that no one else has talked about. And this fight against Russia’s oligarchs, reminds me of the sinking of the Kursk submarine in 2000, and the attack against the oligarchs launched by Putin then.
The rest of the article gets better.
Bird-Watchers of the World Unite !!!
When I first saw the WSJ story about the US suspecting that cranes were being used for spying on America by China, I thought they were talking about cranes, the birds, and that they were going to start shooting down these cranes like they shot down the balloons. Ay caramba!!! What kind of awful people would do that, especially with migration season coming.
Sorry, but I’ve been informed that the pentagon was referring to ‘construction’ cranes, and not the bird cranes, and so I’ve ordered the carrier pigeons to inform all of the bird-watcher defence groups to stand down.
I think a lot of tweets were generated by this story. lol.